How to Automatically Confirm Delivery with a Customer

How ot checkin with a customer to make sure all is well.

Koi knows when your orders have been delivered to your customers and can help you check in with them, making you look like a customer service superstar!

The Benefit
Checking in with customers after delivery enhances satisfaction, encourages feedback, resolves issues promptly, builds trust, fosters repeat business, and boosts positive reviews.

Navigate to an order that has been delivered by clicking on the "Delivered" orders status.

Scroll down to the fulfillment

Scroll down to the fulfillment and click "Ask Koi to check in with customer".

Opening Koi Assistant

The Koi Assistant will open with the prompt: "Checkin with Customer to see if they are happy with everything" prefilled.

Submit the prompt and Koi will write the email for you.

Click the "submit" button to submit the prompt, and Koi will draft an email for you. 

Click the "Send Email" button and Koi will send the email to the customer for you.

Sending the email

Once Koi has sent the email, it will notify you and summarise the email as a comment on your order.